Velvet Eyewear - What Season are You? Look Fresh and Vibrant in the Right Colors..

What Season are You? Look Fresh and Vibrant in the Right Colors

Posted by Stephanie Petchers on

Knowing your season can certainly help you choose the right colors for your wardrobe and we've gone a step further to show you eyewear color options that will complement your coloring. But first, let's explore the color seasons to see where you fit in. Are you clear, light, and warm like spring? Soft, light and cool as summer? Or, are you deep, warm and soft as autumn or clear, cool, and deep as a winter? 
It's important to note that even though all of these colors are wearable for fashion based on your coloring, you may not want to wear carnation pink eyewear. However, you may be able to wear a shade of it depending on the materials, thickness, translucency, and whether it's a sunglass or optical style. Sunglasses tend to be a little more forgiving, so going bold in a color other than black or tortoise can be much easier. FYI- black and dark tortoise sunglasses look good on just about everyone so they are featured as an option on all of the seasons with us. Black sunglasses almost always look best on a Winter but they can wear dark tortoise too. Springs, Summers and Autumns can wear black or tortoise sunglasses with very little noticeable difference. Did you know that if a color is right for you, it will help clear dark circles under your eyes and make your skin look fresh and vibrant? We'll take that!!!
Now let's explore the seasons and see which season best suits YOU!
Summer colors - Lemon yellow, carnation pink, sky blue, white, violet-blue, gray, orchid, peach, lavender, raw umber, sea green, magenta, turquoise blue, navy blue
Velvet Eyewear and Summer Color Chart
Our best eyewear colors for a "summer" are black, copper, gold, crystal pink, crystal blue and light tortoise. You can view the best styles for a Summer here
Winter colors - Yellow, turquoise blue, carnation pink, blue mulberry, red-violet, pine green, white, maroon, grey, black, brick red, navy blue, raw umber
 Velvet Eyewear and Winter Color options
Our best eyewear colors for a "winter" are black, white, red, dark tortoise, silver and plum fade. You can view the best styles for a Winter here
Spring colors - Yellow, salmon, maize red, tan, periwinkle, raw sienna, yellow-green, bittersweet, ivory, turquoise blue, apricot, cornflower, melon, and navy blue
Velvet Eyewear and Spring color options 
Our best eyewear colors for a "spring" are black, blush, dark tortoise, crystal pink, gold, mint green, and mauve. You can view the best styles for a Spring here
Autumn colors - Goldenrod, olive green, orange, forest green, red-orange, raw sienna, ivory, green, tan, violet, burnt sienna, blue-green, brown, and navy blue
Velvet Eyewear and Autumn color options
Autumn is our favorite for eyewear because the colors are so rich and luxurious. Our best eyewear color options are dark tortoise, copper, blush, rose gold, and mint green. You can view the best styles for an Autumn here
Over the years we, Velvet, have become known for our unique ability to design eyewear colors that have led the industry, influenced trends, and most importantly inspired you, our customer, to feel confident in your eyewear decisions and purchases. We hope this helps you determine your seasonal color, so you can continue to blaze through your days looking your best!

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